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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

J. Cole "See World" song was dedicated to 5 year-old Shanive Davis...

J. Cole's  song "See World" , off the "Friday Night Lights " Mixtape was inspired by the death of Shaniva Davis. 
She was a  five-year-old that was reported missing by her mother on Nov. 10, 2009. Shaniya's body was found six days later in thick brush along Walker Road near Carolina Trace in Lee County. She had been raped and died of asphyxiation, according to an autopsy report. Her mother, Antoinette Davis, was charged with human trafficking and prostitution.She is accused of offering her daughter to Mario Andrette McNeil as a settlement of a debt, the autopsy report said. McNeil is charged with kidnapping and killing Shaniya.

This J.Cole song that paid Homage to Shanive.......

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