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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

LeBron James Comes to Peyton Manning's Rescue via Twitter....

Leave it up to LeBron to make one of the biggest NFL sport stories about him.
Everybody that has been keeping up with the NFL season knows that Peyton Manning has not been up to par, 11 interceptions in the last 4 games, and a 75.6 quarterback rating. That is actually way under par, kinda Vince like.....But anyway, even though Peyton has been a complete bum. point. blank. "Kaaang" James feels it is his responsibility to comment on Manning's more than deserving criticism from ESPN's Trent Dilfer....

Peyton does on the field. Good or bad! People get on TV and think they can say whatever they want! And it's always former players! Crazy!!

 .Watching SC and Trent Dilfer is talking bad on how Peyton Manning is playing as of late! In his wildest dream could never ever do the things

Why must Lebron feel the urge to continually put his foot in his mouth. I got three Reasons why Lebron needs to shut up!
  1. Peyton is playing like crap, and needs to be criticized.
  2. Tren Dilfer is doing his job, which is commentating on various NFL stories and headline.
  3. Trent Dilfer has one more CHAMPIONSHIP RING than him....

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