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Friday, February 20, 2009

Al Sharton SIT DOWN!!!!!


I tell ya!...We went from marching for the right to vote, to now marching over a comic strip. Did Obama write the Stimulus Bill.........I dont think so? So How in the Hell do we incorporate a monkey getting shot by the police to the president.Its like we calling ourself monkeys first. Rember when you was younger and somebody said "You momma a FAT Pig"..And the teacher would say is your mother a fat pig, no, well don't respond to ignorance. SAME RULES APPLY Its crazy. It's like we got a hair trigger when it comes to perceived racism. I don't see anything racist about the comic strip. I thought it was dumb, was made for idiots to react to. e.i. Al Sharpton, BET, and all these other "so-called " black leaders. We got more important things to worry about. Al Sharpton iz a "PUBLICITY WHORE that plays the race card like the BIG JOKER in Spades"....We got kids dropping out, getting pregnant, going to jail, cities is disappearing, thats just a couple to come to mind. And there are plenty more. So Al Sharpton sit down, and relax ya perm brahhh.WE DON't BELIEVE YOU, YOU NEED MORE PEOPLE".....That's why you are nowhere near the Obama cabinet, cuz YOU SUCK!!!!!!

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