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Friday, February 20, 2009


On the real I'm not gay. I don't have anything against people. I'm not homophobic..I'm just "penis in the butt phobic"..just kidding I had to do that or I would not b me......But on another note....I was watching this clip of The Tyra Banks Show. HOLD UP!!!I was watching Tyra Banks I just might be gay" I"M SORRY I"M GONNA QUIT".... But i was watching the Tyra Show, and she had guest that were gay and hated themselves for being bay......Am I insensitive or just cold hearted, dont know?..But how can you hate something you can change about yourself when ever you wanted to. Like if your gay then just stop being gay, its easy like 96% of the world does it. But how can you b gay and hate gays...Like, how does that work..You have gay sex then after you done you say "WOW that was great homosexual sex, not get out you FAGGOT, I'll call you tomorrow, so we can do it Again, Have a nice day FRUIT CAKE!!!!It's crazy, like I'm black if I hated being black there's nothing I could really do, Whats my options I'm black and I hate it so I'm gonna drive my truck in the mud....I'm white and I hate it so I'm gonna put a phone in my baby's name. I'm Mexican and I hate it so I'm gonna buy a Neon and ride only 6 deep instead of 10. IT WAS A WEIRD STORY!!!!!!!PLEASE DONT GET MAD THEY MADE ME WRITE

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